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Tag 1: Design Educates Awards

22. September 2022 · Beginn 16 Uhr

David Basulto RSpeaker Design Educates Awards

David Basulto

Founder & Editor in Chief ArchDaily, CEO Architonic

From Atoms to Bits, The Value of Architecture

“As the increasing complexity of our world puts pressure and demands more from our built environment, architecture becomes more relevant. Architecture has the challenge to scale, and for that the availability of information and knowledge are crucial. To deal with such issues, from energy scarcity to density, inequality, climate crisis, housing shortage, fast-moving urbanization, local identity, diversity, resiliency, architecture needs to open and share, welcoming the experience of other disciplines and diverse stakeholders. And in this process of opening, it also has the opportunity to influence other areas, such as technology, interface design or policy making. Today, the educational role of architecture is more important than ever, and Design Educates is able to put it at the front.”

David Basulto. Graduate Architect from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2006). Founder and Director of ArchDaily, and its global network of sites in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese. ArchDaily’s mission is “to improve the quality of life of the next 3 billion people who live in cities by 2050, by providing inspiration, knowledge, and tools to the architects who face this challenge.” David has served as jury for several awards, prizes and design competitions in Latin America, North America, Europe, and Asia. Member of the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize International Advisory Council in Chicago, of the Endeavor Foundation in New York, and member of the Academic Council of TEC de Monterrey in México. Curator of the Nordic Countries Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. ArchDaily is today the world’s most visited architecture website. As of May 2020, ArchDaily merged with Architonic, joining the NZZ Media Group in Switzerland. David currently serves as Managing Director of Architonic ArchDaily, and as Editor in Chief of ArchDaily.

Till Gröner

Founder of supertecture – and personally super-powered by architecture


„Leidenschaft.“ lautet der bündige Titel von Till Gröners Einführungsvortrag für die Preisverleihung der diesjährigen Design Educates Awards. In nur einem Wort wird klar, dass hier nicht um konkrete Themen aus Architektur & Design gehen wird. Tills Thema sind die Triebfedern dahinter: Motivation, Engagement und Leidenschaft. Als Gründer der gemeinnützigen supertecture Organisation steckt er seine Motivation und Leidenschaft seit 5 Jahren in ehrenamtliche, systemrelevante Bauprojekte, wie zum Beispiel eine Schulerweiterung im Erdbebengebiet in Dokshan, Nepal, mit gespendeten Ziegeln.

Tag 2: einBlicke

23. September 2022 · Beginn 12 Uhr


Ersatz Mecanoo



Dries Vens & Maarten Vanbelle

Atelier Vens Vanbelle, BE



Prof. Anna Heringer

Studio Anna Heringer, DE

Architecture is a tool to improve lives

The vision behind, and motivation for my work is to explore and use architecture as a medium to strengthen cultural and individual confidence, to support local economies and to foster the ecological balance. Joyful living is a creative and active process and I am deeply interested in the sustainable development of our society and our built environment. For me, sustainability is a synonym for beauty: a building that is harmonious in its design, structure, technique and use of materials, as well as with the location, the environment, the user, the socio-cultural context. This, for me, is what defines its sustainable and aesthetic value.

Anna Heringer wurde mit dem Bau der METI School in Rudrapur, Bangladesch, international bekannt, die sie als Diplomarbeit an der Kunstuniversität Linz entworfen hat. Seither hat Heringer durch Bauten hauptsächlich in Asien, Afrika und durch die Architekturlehre u.a. an der Harvard University, ETH Zürich und TU München ihren mehrfach ausgezeichneten Architekturansatz, der auf lokalen Baumaterialien und Arbeitskräften beruht, weiterentwickelt. Ihr zentrales Anliegen ist es, durch das persönliche Engagement des Architekten soziale und wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge im Planungs- und Bauprozess schrittweise aufzubauen und deutlich zu machen. Ihre Arbeiten wurden in zahlreichen Museen weltweit ausgestellt, wie beispielsweise im MoMA New York, in der Cité de l’architecture in Paris, im Victoria and Albert Museum London und der Biennale in Venedig. Für Ihre Arbeit erhielt sie u.a. den Aga Khan Award for Architecture, den AR Emerging Architects Award, den Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, den New European Bauhaus Preis 2021, den Philippe Rotthier European Prize for Architecture 2021, den Archdaily Building of the Year 2020 Preis und den OBEL Award 2020. Die UNESCO verlieh ihr einen Ehrenprofessortitel für „Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development.

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